Emigration, Expats, Traveling.

An exhibition of the collection of the Galería Colores Valencia
Over the hundred years of traveling through our collection, the perspective and reason why Europeans sought a home outside their home countries changed. Artists are a group of people who are especially travelers.
Where does that collection come from?
Many people, hitherto uninterested, pay attention to art, especially underrated art, from Central Europe and young artists from the continent.
It is no secret that investments are currently in crisis.
In fact, investments bring losses when you count the regression in the value of money caused by inflation, and recently even real estate has become less attractive.
Well, because many countries already have overheated markets and rental prices are not generating the returns expected by investors. Of course, the pandemic is the main culprit here, and with it the inevitable remote work, lack of tourism, and many indirect consequences of this situation.
In a pandemic, the consumer does not spend as much money as usual without leaving home. So you have something left over and you would like to invest, sometimes for the first time in your life.
Knowing Maslow's pyramid of needs, we know that the first man fills his stomach and the future with his genes, and then concentrates on higher expectations. Somewhere, in the midst of these heightened expectations, is art.
As future gallery owners, we started our adventure investing in art long before the 2014 pandemic.
It started when I was on one of my crazy short trips to Poland, I made a date with my friend, one of those guys who managed to make a fortune off his intuition with a little work well invested. We hadn't seen each other in a while, so I took the whole afternoon of my last day to get to know him.
Czeto, it is so, that that day there was a delay in your calendar with the change of the airport from which we departed. so one solution was to travel together and talk in progress.
There was one condition: a business stop made by my travel companion.
He was not only in a beautiful park, in an old palace that had been rebuilt, after an estate that had recovered the splendor it certainly had years before.
The meeting was with one of the successful people, a man who made a fortune in twelve years, creating a network of 400 stores and his own brand, with a factory dedicated to it. Are you sure you decide that it is not possible?
And maybe you're right, that man, nobody said it in time, so unaware of the impossibility that it was impossible, he did it and that's it.
Later it turned out that he was my friend's mentor, the key to the success of many of his decisions and the basis of possible failures.
The knights moved further into the building.
I was left alone in an expanse that was part conservatory, part art gallery, and part library.
I didn't complain. I was absorbing these unique collections of works that I would never have had the chance to see. They had been in private hands for years.
I had lost track of time to the point that I hadn't realized how much longer the meeting took for the interviewees.
I met an interesting, successful and sensitive man, with whom I stayed while learning about his art collections.
Saying goodbye and praising the beautiful queue of young Polish art, I expressed my regret and sincere jealousy, excluding myself for lack of funds from the circle of collectors. I heard from the owner that everyone can have an art collection, only according to their budget and possibilities. Because it is about a compilation of tastes, the joy of exploration and the consequences.
Here my chakra opened and I realized what this gentleman was talking about...
A phrase gave me courage and showed me the direction. Ever since then, I have wanted a mentor.
This is how the idea for our collection was born.
As planned, we started buying, and the offers that appeared prompted us to start gallery work, which consisted of marketing some of our work.
At first I bought it as is, throwing myself at any occasion. It is now more specific, thoughtful, and hopefully more coherent.
Especially during our stay in London, we focused on works on paper, which now make up the bulk of our collection.
This was due to the thinness of the back room where these things could be stored. It's no secret that rents in the British capital have long since begun to offend common sense.
For now, the situation will surely change.
Having a stable place and the certainty of a roof over our head, we can afford to expand the collection with paint jobs.
We currently have works by Henryk Hayden, which I found in the USA, Maslowski, bought at a pawnshop in Katowice, Kempka, inseparable from him, which were probably inspired by Master Maslowski. Everything indicates that they were put together in the pawnshop.
The history of Piotr Potworowski's works is remarkable, unfortunately, he is greatly absent from the exhibition, the last we bought his art, temporarily pleasing to the eye, rented for a private exhibition in Warsaw.
But there is Kamil Lhotak, whose portfolio began with Ferdynand Hayder, but also Daniel Białowąs supposedly beloved best work, TY
There is also a fragment of the portfolio of Jóźwiak and his crosses, lithographs inspired by martial law and issued with great effort and care, there are also works by the phenomenal, unknown to the general public, Feniger Offer, or lithographs signed by the Hermitage in Moscow . Nor will I forget the lovely graphics from the portfolio of eNeRD artists dedicated to illustrating children's literature.
All of our works in the collection are priced and available for purchase. The cheapest are for €19 and we are talking about lithographs up to Henryk Hayden, whose work we will give away for €4,700, so that the compartment is wide.
The inauguration will take place on July 23, 2021 at the Colores Art Gallery, sister of the Colores Balmain Hairdresser in Valencia, Calle Denia 60.
The exhibition can be seen until September 8, by appointment.
You're welcome